
发布日期:2024-08-16 10:08    点击次数:56



League of Legends (LoL) is one of the hottest competitive e-sports, and it's no surprise that there are countless hilarious moments during tournaments that leave the audience in stitches. In this article, we'll look at some of the funniest moments in LoL competitive history.

The Teemo Debacle

During the 2015 World Championship match between Fnatic and Invictus Gaming, Fnatic's support player, Yellowstar, picked the champion Teemo, which is known for being notoriously weak in competitive play. The choice of this champion stunned everyone in attendance as it was widely believed that no one in their right mind would choose Teemo in a professional setting. The crowd erupted into laughter and cheers as they watched Yellowstar's Teemo meet an early demise.

The Accidental Flash

In a match between Cloud9 and Ninjas in Pyjamas during the 2014 World Championship, NiP's mid laner, Bjergsen, accidentally flashed over a wall and right into the waiting arms of Cloud9's Hai, leading to his untimely demise. The audience could not stop laughing at the absurdity of the situation and the commentators could barely contain their amusement.

The Barons Steal

In a match between SK Telecom T1 and KT Rolster during the 2016 LCK Spring Split, SKT's Faker made an incredible steal on the Baron, stealing it right out from under KT's nose. As the audience erupted into cheers, the camera panned over to KT's dejected faces 鈥?the moment was made even funnier by the fact that Faker was playing a champion with no ranged abilities, meaning he had to get as close as possible to the Baron to make the steal, putting himself in great danger.

The Unintentional Dive

In a 2013 World Championship match between OMG and Lemondogs, OMG's support player, Bigpomelo, accidentally dived into his opponents' base with the intent of warding an area. The mistake led to his untimely death and had the audience in stitches. The commentators couldn't help but laugh as they re-watched the play in slow motion.

The Nexus Dance

In a match between G2 Esports and Misfits during the 2017 EU LCS Summer Split, G2's players were just one auto-attack away from winning the game when they decided to mess around a bit. Instead of finishing off the Nexus right away, the players began to dance around it and BM their opponents. The crowd could not stop laughing as they watched the ridiculous display of showmanship, and the commentators were left in disbelief.


These are just a few examples of the many hilarious moments that have taken place during LoL competitive play over the years. While these moments may not have been the most significant or impactful, they have left an indelible mark on the community and will be remembered for years to come.

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